Club Projects & Fotos
Glen Ellen/Kenwood Rotary Family
These are photos of our Rotary in action, whether in the community serving those in need, or offering our assistance to international partners, we are devoted in so many ways. Of course when we are not busy with community or international we get together and tighten up as a team and have some serious fun! If you hover on the image there will appear a pertinent title for each image and clicking will expand image.
Rotary Club of Glen Ellen Kenwood Community Sanitation District Grant Project at The Kenwood Depot!
The Glen Ellen-Kenwood (GEK) Rotary project goal was to remedy a longstanding water issue at the Kenwood Depot, a community gathering spot at the north end of the Sonoma Valley. The Glen Ellen and Kenwood communities are located in unincorporated areas of Sonoma County. They are without any typical public meeting places so the Kenwood Depot fulfills this vital role. Owned and operated by a nonprofit, the Kenwood Community Club, (KCC), the Depot is an historic, well-loved community building actively used throughout the year by many local groups, including our GEK Rotary Club.
This was March 20, our workday at Sonoma Valley Regional Park. the completion of our District Grant Project renovating the picnic area. It was done in conjunction with Sonoma Valley Regional Parks Foundation, Redwood Trails Alliance, and California Conservation Corps. We also received a $750 grant from the Jack London Yacht Club that went toward our part of the project.
#sonomavalleyregionalparksfoundation #glenellenregionalpark #jacklondonyachtclub #californiaconservationcorps #glenellenkenwoodrotaryclub
Rotary Club of Glen Ellen Kenwood Adopt a Highway Arnold Drive Crew, left no trash behind, natural beauty abounds....thanks to all!
Rotary Club of Glen Ellen Kenwood Projects
SOS Haven UnityKitchen/Grange Neighborhood Breakfast/Lunch, & Deliveries
At the moment, we are most in need of volunteers to help with food prep and keep the kitchen organized at Sonoma Springs Community Hall at The Grange. The address is 18627 CA-12, Sonoma, CA 95476. This is the site where where food is served and organized. If interested email us at for access to GEK Rotary volunteer polls.
GEK/Food Bank Valley Food Assistance
This is a program post Valley wildfires to nourish the underserved in our community,and continue what we have been doing for four years with the backpack program at Dunbar. Our current project with the Food Bank is at the Jack London Village parking lot the first and third Friday of each month email for access to GEK Rotary volunteer polls.
Mayan Families (NATUN)
Financial assistance to Mayan Families, a non-profit providing health and educaiton services to the indigenous people living in rural areas of Guatemala.
Operation Bicycle-Teen Center
Funding and hands-on assistance for a vocational program to train teens in repairing bicyles. The club assists in providing needed tools and hardware
Sonoma Overnight Support & HAS (Homeless Action Sonoma)
SOS provides shelter and food to the homeless in Sonoma Valley. The ciub provides funds for warm clothes and sleeping bags for clients during the winter months at the new warming center, a cooperative effort with SOS and HAS. Providing volunteers for Community Feeds for Breakfast and Lunch for 100s of Valley underserved. Food deliveries to the homebound are also provided by some of our volunteers.
The Sonoma Ecology Center
We have partnered extensively on SEC's various projects for creek evaluations and remediation as wheel as providing substantial assistance post October wildfires to prevent toxic runoff into the creeks and general forest and trail restoration to help prevent future wildfire vulnerabilities.
Bell Ringing for FISH
Each holiday season, members volunteer to collect money for Friends in Sonoma Helping by ringing bells outside the Glen Ellen Village Market, encouraging patrons to donate money into a collection box.
Agua del Pueblo
We provided our assistance as part of a larger Rotary Global Grant to create widespread potable water and sanitation programs to all residents of the Lake Atitlan watershed in and around the towns of Nuevo Progreso and Chocol, Guatemala.
Jack London Park
We are providing assistance for vegetation management to reduce fuel loads in the historic Eucalyptus grove. This donation will be used for a pilot project to illustrate the larger needs for fuel reduction in the park.
Bouverie Audubon Canyon Ranch
The club assisted in upplying tools and equipment post October Wildfires and we have applied for a $50,000 Fire Relief Grant from District 5130 to help restore fire damaged land.
Dunbar/Woodland Star Elementary School
The Dunbar elementary school experienced major losses to the playground, the library, their outdoor theatre/stage and the children's garden all of which we have been actively working to restore through raising funds and volunteering.
July 4 Event at Kenwood Plaza Park
Each year, the club holds a communty-wide event on July 4, featuring food, music, games, and spreading the word of Rotary!
Kenwood School lunch program
Eagle Scout project
We are providing financial and hands-on assistance to a young man who is leading an Eagle Scout Project, the Dunbar Pathway Project, which is constructing a path to the school’s garden, this is an extension of our Fire Relief program with Dunbar School.
Rotary Club of Glen Ellen Kenwood Firefighter Scholarship Fund
Beginning in 2022, the Rotary Club of Glen Ellen-Kenwood, as part of our vocational program, established the Rotary Club of Glen Ellen-Kenwood Scholarship Fund. The $1,500 award goes to one qualified Santa Rosa Junior College Student who is enrolled in the SRJC Fire Academy, and is in financial need. The cost to attend the SRJC Fire Academy is $1,800, plus each student has to pay an additional $1,100 for their own uniforms and protective gear. The 2022 recipient is Jose Angel Garcia, whose career goal is to become a firefighter/paramedic. Jose ha\s a Bachelor of Arts from Sonoma State University, and is the youngest of six with parents from Jalisco, Mexico. His desire to pursue a firefighter career stems from his own personal experience when he was in an auto accident when he was 18. Jose is attending the SRJC Fire Academy in the Fall of 2022, with the goal of becoming a professional firefighter next year.
PO Box 91 Kenwood, CA 95452
Membership annually $250 or biannually $125